Featured Publications
SCI: Fan, Yuan., Chen, Mingze*. A systematic review of measurement tools and senior engagement in urban nature: Health benefits and behavioral patterns analysis. Health and Place 2025 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103410.[download]

The engagement of senior citizens with urban nature has been shown to provide multiple health benefits and mitigate health issues associated with demographic aging. This review utilized the PRISMA methodology to systematically analyze the relationship between monitoring tools, seniors’ behaviors in urban nature, and influencing factors. The main findings are as follows: (1) 4 main types, including self-reports, on-site observations, sensors, and third-party data, and 24 sub-types of measurement tools: ranging from questionnaires to crowdsourced imagery services. Self-reports capture participants’ awareness of behaviors, on-site observations record various types of behaviors, sensors collect indicators to detect the body’s direct responses, and third-party data provide representative behavior data from large samples. (2) 4 categories and 45 types of behaviors: physical and sports behaviors, leisure and recreational behaviors, relaxation, and passive behaviors, social and care behaviors, based on their characteristics and purposes. Physical and sports behaviors are the most common types for the elderly in urban nature, with walking being the most frequently measured behavior. (3) 36 influencing factors: ranging from diabetes risk to balanced meal habits, classified into 4 categories from physical and vitality health to social and lifestyle health. Physical and vitality health are the most affected category, receiving more academic attention. Gardening is identified as having the most health benefits. This review provides a classification of tools and behaviors, and a detailed discussion of future trends in the field. It provides actionable insights for researchers, urban designers, city managers, and policymakers to select the appropriate measurement tool from 24 sub-tools to better understand behaviors of elderly people in urban nature. It can also help them select the right type of behavior from 45 sub-behaviors to investigate in line with their research goals to improve seniors’ health and well-being.
Journal Articles
16. SCI: Fan, Yuan., Chen, Mingze*. A systematic review of measurement tools and senior engagement in urban nature: Health benefits and behavioral patterns analysis. Health and Place 2025 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103410.
15. SCI: Luo, Tianze., Chen, Mingze*. Advancements insupervised machine learning foroutdoor thermal comfort: Acomprehensive systematic review ofscales, applications, and data types. Energy & Buildings 2025 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.115255.
14. SCI: Sun, Pingyao., Chen, Mingze*., Jingyi, Chen*. The “Blue” Habitat of Urban & Suburban Areas and approaches for its
biodiversity research: A scoping review. Journal of Environmental Management 2025 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.123567.
13. SCI: Wang, Zhanzhu., Shen, Maoting., Huang, Yongming*. Combining Eye-Tracking Technology and Subjective Evaluation to Determine Building Facade Color Combinations and Visual Quality. Applied Sciences 2024 | https://doi.org/10.3390/app14188227.
12. SCI: Wang, Zhanzhu., Shen, Maoting., Huang, Yongming*. Exploring the Impact of Facade Color Elements on Visual Comfort in Old Residential Buildings in Shanghai: Insights from Eye-Tracking Technology. Buildings 2024 | https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061758.
11. SCI/SSCI: Chen, Mingze., Cai, Yuxuan., Guo, Shuying., Sun, Ruilin., Shen, Xiwei*. Evaluating implied urban nature vitality in San Francisco: An interdisciplinary approach combining census data, street view images, and social media analysis. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 2024 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128289.
10. SCI/SSCI: Zhang, Kaiqi., Chen, Mingze*. Multi-method analysis of urban green space accessibility: Influences of land use, greenery types, and individual characteristics factors. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128366.
9. SCI: Shen, Xiwei., Chen, Mingze., Li, Xiaowei*., Yang, Qiuyi., Sun, Qingqing., Gao, Shu. Advancing climate resilience through a geo-design framework: strengthening urban and community forestry for sustainable environmental design. Journal of Forestry Research 2024 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-024-01772-0.
8. SCI: He, Wei., Chen, Mingze*. Advancing Urban Life: A Systematic Review of Emerging Technologies and AI in Urban Design and Planning. Buildings | https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14030835.
7. SCI: Priya Rajendran*., Raúl Leal., Chen, Mingze., Juan Carlos, Guerrero Andrade., Rakib, Akhtar., Lazaro, Eliyah Mngumi., Sheeba, Chander., Sudhan, Srinivas., Maria, Rinya Roy. The ‘Peri-Urban Turn’: A systems thinking approach for a paradigm shift in reconceptualising urban-rural futures in the global South. Habitat International 2024 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2024.103041.
6. SCI/SSCI: Ge, Mengting., Kong, Jie., Yang, Qiuyi., Chen, Mingze*., Wang, Wenji*. Examine an Intelligence Education Framework of Landscape Architecture (EFLA) Based on Network Model of Technology in Landscape Architecture (NMTLA). Sustainability 2023 | https://doi.org/10.3390/su151411277.
5. SCI: Qiao, Renlu, Zhiqaing Wu, Shuo Gao, Qingrui Jiang, Xiaochang Liu, Chenyu Huang, Li Xia, and Chen, Mingze. Towards inclusive underground public transportation: Gender differences on thermal comfort. Building and Environment 2023 Jul 5:110569. | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110569.
4. SCI: Zhang, Yang., Li, Xiaowei., Jiang, Qingrui., Chen, Mingze*., Liu, Lunyuan*. Quantify the Spatial Association between the Distribution of Catering Business and Urban Spaces in London Using Catering POI Data and Image Segmentation. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 2128. | https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13122128.
3. SCI: Wang, Ling., Ding, Jiahui.; Chen, Mingze., Sun, Yuan., Tang, Xueyun., Ge, Mengting*. Exploring Tourists’ Multilevel Spatial Cognition of Historical Town Based on Multi-Source Data—A Case Study of Feng Jing Ancient Town in Shanghai. Buildings 2022, 12, 1833. | https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12111833.
2. SCI: Shen, Xiwei., Chen, Mingze*, Ge Mengting*, Padua, Mary G. Examining the Conceptual Model of Potential Urban Development Patch (PUDP), VOCs, and Food Culture in Urban Ecology: A Case in Chengdu, China. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1369. | https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13091369.
1. Chen, Mingze., Zhang, Yang., Yang, Yubing., Fang, Zhiguo. Application of data visualization in urban design based on Grasshopper, Landscape Architecture Academic Journal 2022, 39(5), 44-51. (in Chinese)| https://doi.org/10.12193/j.laing.2022.05.0044.006. 陈铭泽,张洋,杨玉冰,方智果.基于Grasshopper平台的数据可视化在城市设计中的研究与实践[J].园林,2022,39(05):44-51.
2024 ——
- Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani., Park, Keunhyun. Defining Urban Vitality Using Text-based, Image-based, and GPS Data | 2024 ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) Individual Paper Presentation (Accepted)
Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani. Evaluating Urban Vitality with Big Data across 10 Global Cities | 2024 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted) - Chen, Mingze., Huang, Yongming., Zheng, Yuqiao., Du, Jiani. Evaluating Urban Vitality with Big Data: Insights from Social Media and GPS Data across 10 Global Cities | 2024 EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Zhou, Xuanyu., Chen, Mingze. Using Sensor and Vision-Based Technologies to Examine the Quality Transformation of Green Space in Multi-Shrinking Cities | 2024 EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Chen, Mingze., Park, Keunhyun. Sensor-based and vision-based technologies in monitoring human behaviours in natural areas: A scoping review| 2024 CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture) Conference Abstract (St. Louis, MI)
- Luo, Tianze., Chen, Mingze. Smart Canopies: Optimizing Tree Layouts for Enhanced Thermal Comfort — An Edinburgh Case Study| 2024 IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Wang, Yuxi., Wang, Xinyi., Shen, Xiwei., Chen, Mingze. Unmasking Human Impact on Panda Habitats and Orchestrating Sustainable Forestry Futures: A systematic review| 2024 IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Yuxuan Cai., Hongqian Li, Shuyao Dai. Multiscale Assessment of Urban Built Environment and Socio-Economic Determinants on Mental Health: A Comparative Analysis Based on Linear Models and XG-Boost | CAADRIA2024 (Abstract Accepted)
- Yuxuan Cai., Hongqian Li, Shuyao Dai. Burnout in the Built Environment: A Spatial Analysis of Emotional and Urban Elements Interaction-a case study in Shanghai | AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBAN AFFAIRS 2024 (Abstract Accepted)
2023 ——
- Chen, Mingze., Liu, Yuxuan., Chadha, Trishla. A Comprehensive Model for Pedestrian-Scale Evaluation of Linear Greenery Visibility| 2023 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Yuxuan Cai., Hongqian Li, Shuyao Dai*. Multi-factors evaluation of the impact of the street-level on sexual crime occurrences using computer vision and big data – a case study of Manhattan | 35TH AESOP (Association of European schools of Planning) Annual Congress Full Paper Oral Report | Full paper(Accepted)
- Yuxuan Cai., Hongqian Li, WenXuan Cai, Minghao Xu. Multivariable Assessment of Urban Rooftop and Vertical Greening Impact on Urban Heat Island Based on Computer Vision Semantic Segmentation Modeling Framework – A Case Study of San Francisco | 2023 ECLAS Abstract (Accepted)
- Yuxuan Cai., Hongqian Li, Shuyao Dai*. Burnout in the Built Environment: A Spatial Analysis of Emotional and Urban Elements Interaction-a case study in Shanghai | 2023 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Xiwei Shen*, Grant Mosey, Yuxuan Cai, Mingze Chen. Advancing Environmental Design with Phytoremediation of Brownfield Soils Using Spontaneous Invasive Plants | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POLLUTION CONTROL & SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Abstract (Accepted)
- Xiwei Shen*, Grant Mosey, Mingze Chen, Yuxuan Cai. A Model for Identifying Suitable Living Areas in London: Mitigating the Impacts of Urban Heat Island (UHI) on Public Health | 7th Advances in Geomatics Research Conference (Abstract Accepted)
- Xiwei Shen*, Grant Mosey, Mingze Chen, Yuxuan Cai. Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Urban Public Space through social media: a case study of Bryant Park, NY | The International Conference on Data Science, AI and Analytics: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practices (ICDSAIA-2023) Abstract (Accepted)
- Shen, Xiwei., Chen, Mingze. Examine an Intelligence Education Framework of Landscape Architecture (EFLA)| 2023 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Shen, Xiwei., Chen, Mingze. Examine an Intelligence Education Framework of Landscape Architecture (EFLA) Based on Network Model of Technology in Landscape Architecture (NMTLA) in 21st Century | 2023 ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) Conference (Accepted)
2022 ——
- Chen, Mingze. Using big data and machine learning to quantify urban green space equality by ethnicity, gender, income, and age | 2022 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Chen, Mingze., Yu, Yingwen., Sun, Ruilin., Wang, Yaxin. Touching the intangible landscape heritage: revive urban lifestyles based on virtual and augmented reality technologies| 2022 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Chen, Mingze., Sun, Ruilin., Zhao, Yifei. Using the data-driven method to explore the ambiguous urban landscape heritage –100 urban open space cases in Milan, Italy| 2022 IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
- Shen, Xiwei., Padua, Mary., Chen, Mingze. Themes in Digital Landscape Architecture: Techniques or Technologies? | 2022 CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture) Conference Abstract (Accepted)
Agro-Matrix. In M.Arch. UD 2021-2022 (pp. 148–159). Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.